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The SM-SE automatic stacker is installed after the multiple crosscut saws in the wood processing industry. The machine adapts to any required work cycle and is programmed in such a way that all stacking functions, including the inserting of the stacking strips occur automatically.
Stacking changeover can be executed automatically without any interruption in production i.e. equipment can be supplied which allows stacking to continue while changeover is executed, without interrupting production.
Depending on the setting of the saw, the machine stacks lengths of 400 to 7000 mm (special lengths are possible). A separate stack is formed for each length sawn. Depending on the formation of the stack layer, synchronously switched strip magazines, load the stacking wagon with stacking strips for the purposes of stabilising and/or drying the stack, either in any position or at any interval selected e.g. every third or every sixth layer, or similar. Resetting to different workpiece lengths takes only a matter of seconds.
All stacking machines can be additionally equipped with automatic transfer devices, removal devices, pile unloaders or other conveying systems all the way to the automatic conveyor line.

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Picture SM-SE

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