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Videos SM 600 V

:: Automatic stacker after a band saw
:: Automatic stacker after a band saw ::
:: Simple mechanisation of a WEINIG moulder / moulding machine 
:: Simple mechanisation of a WEINIG moulder / moulding machine ::
::Mechanization behind a horizontal band saw
:: Mechanization behind a horizontal band saw ::
 :: Simple mechanization WACO planing machine
:: Simple mechanization WACO planing machine ::
:: Automatic stacker, lumber stacker after a REX moulder / moulding machine
:: Automatic stacker, lumber stacker after a REX moulder / moulding machine ::
 :: Automatic stacker for door frames after a wrapping machine
:: Automatic stacker for door frames after a wrapping machine ::
 :: Automatic stacker after a moulder / moulding machine
:: Automatic stacker after a moulder / moulding machine ::
:: Automatic stacker for palete boards with stick magazines chain conveyors
:: Automatic stacker for palete boards with stick magazines chain conveyors ::
 :: Automatic stacker after a double end tenoner
:: Automatic stacker after a double end tenoner ::

SM 600 V

The SM 600V automatic stacker is used with processing machines working at very high feed speeds. The stacking layer is formed on the machine, removed by means of the stacking wagon, moved vertically and the whole layer placed upon the stack. During this procedure, a new layer is formed on the machine.
The SM 600V automatic stacker is used for stacking particularly heavy parts, or parts moving at high speeds, or both, because of its power and high stacking speed. Panels up to 1200 mm wide can be stacked. The stacking machine is used in cases, where, for example, a flat wagon with side stakes or a pallet with side stakes is to be stacked or where stacking strips are not needed. The stacking machine is available for all lengths and cross-cuts, for panels and frames. Stacking capacity is 2.5 to 6 layers per minute, depending on the cross-section.
The SM 600V automatic stacker is particularly suited to stacking shrink-wrapped bundles of parts, cardboard boxes, metal sections, and other such articles. Stacking changeover can be executed automatically without any interruption in production i.e. equipment can be supplied which allows stacking to continue while changeover is executed, without interrupting production.
As an option, the SM 600V automatic stacker can be supplied with built-in strip magazines which, depending on the formation of the stacking layer, load the stack with intermediate strips for the purposes of stabilising or drying it.
Depending on the model and catenation, lengths of up to 15 metres can be stacked. Stacking capacity can be multiplied with additional components such as ÜV1, ÜV2, RB-SN, SV. Resetting to different workpiece lengths takes only a matter of seconds. Differences in length of 1:1.5 do not require adjustment. The machine readjusts independently to changing workpiece thicknesses.
Workpieces can be unfinished and have slits, pegs, pins or mitres.
All stacking machines can be additionally equipped with automatic transfer devices, removal devices, pile unloaders or other conveying systems all the way to the automatic conveyor line. 


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Picture SM 600 V

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